Agmerica Canna Clear (1 Gallon)


Canna Clear is a highly active chelate enhancer and tank cleaner designed for use in cannabis nutrient solutions and fertigation systems. Add Canna Clear to your nutrient tanks to prevent the precipitation and salting out of cannabis nutrient solutions. Canna Clear protects the bioavailability and function of cannabis essential nutrients in liquid solutions. Canna Clear enhances the growth and development of all plants and may increase the uptake of essential micronutrients.

Derived from an organic source of humic and fulvic acides mines from West Texas leonardite shale.

Directions For Use:

Use Canna Clear in your nutrient tanks and fertigation systems at 5% volume to volume. Add Canna Clear to the nutrient tank first and then add nutrients, stock concentrates and other fertilizers and pesticides. Use Canna Clear at 10% volume to volume with strong agitation to rescue nutrient solutions that have salted out of solutions, and to clear buildup in fertigation tanks and lines. Canna Clear is designed for and safe on cannabis.

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