Organic Ag Products strive to provide quality, safe and successful products for all aspects of organic crop production and look forward to assisting you with your application.

Organic AG Products has developed a suite of products to cover all of the needs in an Organic Farming system. The Fertilizer blends are all based on our flagship product, Pure Protein Dry, 15-1-1. This is a Fish Protein Hydrolysate that is 100% water-soluble and immediately available to the plant.

Other fertilizer blends are specifically formulated for a variety of crops, at different stages of growth and fruit ripening.

For Crop Protection, OAP has two Pest Control/Fungicides and one Herbicide. These are all formulations of Plant-derived oils and are 25(b) EPA Exempt materials.

The products are approved by either the California Department of Food and Agriculture; Washington State Department of Agriculture or OMRI for use in Certified Organic Farming operation.
