Organic Fertilizers: A Quick Guide for Plant Enthusiasts


Healthy soil is key to growing an abundant and fruitful garden. To ensure that it contains important nutrients plants need, the soil must be constantly fed with quality organic fertilizers. This improves the soil texture, allows the soil to retain water longer, and increases its bacterial and fungal activity. 


Why Are Organic Fertilizers More Beneficial than Inorganic Ones?


Fertilizers provide the soil with the nutrients needed for plant growth. However, not all fertilizers are created equal. Chemical fertilizers have salts made from non-renewable resources that don’t feed the microorganisms and earthworms in the soil. As a result, they acidify the soil and depletes it of its nutrients. When this happens, soil structure declines, and water retention capacity decreases. 


Fortunately, avoiding this problem is easy by opting for organic fertilizers. Here are other reasons why organic fertilizers are better than their inorganic counterparts:

  • They Are Environmentally Friendly


Chemical fertilizers are made with a significant amount of fossil fuels that harm the health of the soil and even pollute nearby water sources. Avoiding this problem can be done by choosing organic fertilizers. They are safe and healthy for the environment, plants, and pets.

  • They Work Slowly and Steadily 


Using chemical fertilizers can be tempting since they deliver quick results. However, they can overfeed and burn the plants. On the other hand, while organic fertilizers slowly break down the soil, they are likely to encourage better plant growth by providing plants with all the nutrients they need.


What Are the Nutrients Found in Organic Fertilizers?


It’s basic knowledge that plants require nutrients to thrive, but not everyone knows how and when these nutrients must be fed to plants. To get a better idea, here are the nutrients plants need that can also be found in organic fertilizers:

  • Phosphorus


Phosphorus is essential for plant growth. It helps in strong root growth, particularly in growing new transplants or root crops.

  • Potassium


Plants rich in potassium encourage resilience to stress. Comfrey, dandelion, and alliums like garlic, leek, and chives can be used to improve the growth of other plants.

  • Nitrogen


This nutrient is vital in the early stages of leaf and stem development, specifically when the plants start flowering. Some nitrogen-rich plants include comfrey, stinging nettle, and common mallow.


What Are the Types of Organic Fertilizers?


Before buying organic fertilizers, be familiar with their different types. Listed below are some that are commercially available:

  • Growth Enhancers 


Growth enhancers are filled with growth-promoting nutrients and enzymes that help plants absorb nutrients more efficiently. Kelp, a type of seaweed, is one of the most popular growth enhancers.

  • Liquid Fertilizers


Liquid fertilizers increase the uptake of nutrients from the soil. Plants can absorb them through the pores or roots. To use them, add them to the water can when watering fruiting and flowering plants once every two weeks during the growing season.

  • Dry Fertilizers 


Dry fertilizers provide different nutrients and micronutrients to boost long-term plant growth. They are used in container-grown plants and in-ground grown plants. 




Many factors affect plant growth, but the nutrients coming from the soil are considered the most important. For this reason, maintaining healthy soil is essential. Thankfully, achieving this is easy with organic fertilizers. 


If you are looking for dry organic fertilizer and other organic agricultural products like herbicides and insecticides, then you’ve come to the right place. At Organic AG Products, we are a certified seller of items formulated for crops at different growth stages. Place your order now!
