One of the struggles you can expect to encounter when growing your garden is facing pests and preventing them from destroying your plants and vegetables. While a few pesky critters such as worms, caterpillars, and other insects aren’t too harmless, when their population begins to rise uncontrollably, they can do more damage than good.


With more homeowners, gardeners, and farmers recognizing the toxic chemicals found in synthetic pesticides, the last thing you want to do is expose your garden to more danger. Rather than utilizing insecticide sprays to address your problem, you can opt for organic pest control solutions for a safer alternative. 


One of the most reliable ways to prevent garden pests from taking over your greenery is to keep them off your property before they begin to multiply and cause havoc. Keep reading below to learn convenient ways to handle your pest situation and maintain your garden’s good condition. 


Attract the Presence of Beneficial Insects


Besides letting pollinating insects roam freely in your garden, it’s an excellent idea to welcome beneficial insects into your space, primarily the bugs that fight off pest insects. They include ladybugs, lacewings, minute pirate bugs, wasps, and more.


Part of a beneficial insect’s job is to keep pests at bay by consuming them or feeding them to their offsprings. Ways to lure good insects into your property are providing pest insects rich in protein to serve as their prey and growing plants rich in carbohydrates and nectar by using dry organic fertilizer.


Pick the Right Plants For Your Garden


It’s essential to note that all plants are different, so some are more inclined to attracting pests compared to others. If you don’t want to deal with unwanted insects, you should learn to select the right plants and vegetables to grow in your garden.


Besides that, the greens you pick should have resistant properties against pests and diseases to guarantee you can succeed in bringing your plants to life through the seasons. Utilizing organic agricultural products also works to support your endeavor and give you an easier time managing your garden.


Utilize Fences and Covers to Block Pests 


You can shield off pests from affecting your garden by putting up physical barriers in the middle of your plants and the sneaky insects. By covering your plants with a floating row, it contains a fabric that sits over your garden or with the use of wire hoops. That way, you’re securing your vegetables from unwanted predators.


However, if you’re expecting your plants to bloom anytime soon, you should never forget to leave the row cover on top of your plants. That way, their flowers will grow naturally in the right direction and attract pollinators. 


Consider Interplanting Various Crops


If you have in-depth knowledge of growing your garden, you can consider the method of intercropping to enhance the variety of plants, vegetables, and flowers you have. You can interplant an array of crops and flowering herbs together to give pests a hard time finding a host plant.


Instead of placing one crop in a row or block, you should mix your plants to prevent monocultures from growing and luring pests to a specific plant. Interplanting your crops can confuse the insects because they end up landing on a different plant each time.




Now that you know the strategies to care for your garden, you can look forward to your long-term plans concerning your property, including your plants and vegetables. You have a better grasp of learning how to find the balance between good and bad bugs without relying on insecticides all the time to exterminate pests. Besides keeping destructive insects out of your garden, you can also try incorporating quality organic products to boost your chances of witnessing your plants bloom and thrive.


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